Tuesday, August 29, 2006

today i didn't go school. i was caught with a slight fever. but i didnt go doctor also. miss reena won't care also rather save that money.

i'll be going for the teachers day celebration. damn but i really dun want go. ughh lets see, maybe i wouldn't go. but for the teacher's sake, i may go. but don't think i visiting primary school teachers. i think the staff room would be packed with all the former-primary school people.

school is beginning to suck, ALOT. one reason is because of grades, and one reason is because the life in school now is totally different. i duno la maybe i'm too sensitive to the surrounding?! or how ever you call that.

after the holidays would be the exam period. damn scared duno how would i fare also. maybe i would just faint and die and drop to NA. and my parents will kill me and i will faint and die.


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